
The ORV ONE electronics are going to be a challenge.

“Not only is developing electronics a challenge but mixing electronics with water makes it a more interesting challenge.” -Jack Whitney-

For the brains of the prototypes, we are using a cellular Particle.io Boron and an assortment of Adafruit Featherwings.

For our first prototype with electronics, we are using the Boron with a FeatherWing GPS, AdaLogger and OLED. Remember when using FeatherWings you have to solder header pins onto the FeatherWing board you are using.

There are a couple of guides on how to do this. Here’s one.

After installing the header pins, The first thing we did was use the Boron with the GPS to update the location. To start we used a code sample from an Adafruit project. With a little bit of tweaking, we were able to remove a couple of elements and get the code to function properly. If I’m not wrong the programming language is C++. https://blog.adafruit.com/2019/05/20/building-a-cellular-asset-tracker-using-particle-boron-and-adafruit-feather/

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