
The ORV ONE electronics are going to be a challenge. “Not only is developing electronics a challenge but mixing electronics with water makes it a more interesting challenge.” -Jack Whitney- For the brains of the prototypes, we are using a cellular Particle.io Boron and an assortment of Adafruit Featherwings. For our first prototype with electronics,… Continue reading Electronics


It has been a while but ORV ONE is still afloat. The ORV ONE team is now working diligently to rapidly design and build prototypes. We are currently on Prototype 4 of the ORV ONE line-up. ORV ONE’s design has had some major upgrades since you have last seen it. We are no longer going… Continue reading UPDATE

Getting started on the hull for our autonomous sailing vessel

Planning the entire system has been underway, but we have waited on getting the lab in place to start working through the process. Our goal is to make a solar powered sailboat, that uses the SWARM network to send data and location information and also send cloud based control messaging. Today was the day in… Continue reading Getting started on the hull for our autonomous sailing vessel